Do you like Summer Time as much as I do?  It just seems like every day is filled with really special events and pleasure.  Look at this list of special days of Summer Time.  
Just prior to the “official” summertime, there was Mother’s Day, the special day we choose to recognize and honor Mothers , remembering them with special love and gifts in appreciation of their unselfish, unending gift of life and nurture to each of us.  
Then comes Memorial Day, thought of as the “official” beginning of the Summer activities. We recognize and honor those brave heros who have given the supreme sacrifice for our freedoms life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.      
We celebrated Flag Day on June 14th.  It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777.  The week of June 14th is designated as “National Flag Week” and  the president of the United States makes a proclamation urging U. S. Citizens to fly the American flag for the duration of the week.  I hope you had your flag flying in proud honor and respect for Old Glory.
I went with my daughter and son-in-law to their church on Father’s Day.
Their pastor gave a message on the subject The Ideal Man, — of course emphasizing the privileges and responsibilities of being a man, a husband and a father.  Every man present that day had reason to walk out of the church standing tall, recognizing how important they are in their role in life as men.   We honor you for who you are and for your strong contribution to family life and to our nation.  
Can you think of July 4th without thinking of Patriotic Fireworks?  My heart swells with pride when I hear the great patriotic music and watch those beautiful fireworks displays.  Take time out this Independence Day to recall those principles upon which this great nation was born, give thanks to God for all those who have sacrificed before us to make it great, and commit to doing your part  to bring us back to the righteous and honorable nation we started out to be.
Labor Day traditionally marks the end of the summer recreational season in America, and the following day often marks the beginning of autumn classes in primary and secondary schools.  Labor Day is a United States federal holiday that takes place on the first Monday of September.  How do you celebrate Labor Day?  
Enjoy your special days of Summer Time.  Take time to reflect on the meanings of each one and be able, at the end of the Summer Time, to say, “I have grown”.
Share your experiences with me at
Growing Through Summertime
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Day     <_______________________________________________________>     Labor
                                                   Making  it  Special                                             Day